Monday, November 4, 2013

Está Mejorando


I just wanted to write a quick update on how things are going here. In short, they're getting better! Each day has been getting easier and easier, which is all thanks to Jehovah. 

Last week, after cycling to Ojo's meeting on Sunday, I decided not to check in on the mechanic for the rest of the week, as I was tired of only getting bad news. So I went out to Ojo again to lead the ministry group on Wednesday. I decided to take a taxi out there that day, mainly because nobody has been showing up for service on Wednesdays and I didn't want to cycle all the way out only for no one to be there. Thankfully, though, someone was: Renata! 

Renata (or Renee, as we call her), is a pure Italian sister who resides in the States in a New York Bethel congregation. Her daughter Ashlee and son Kyle moved here years ago, and she moved here with them soon after. She has led quite the life, and has traveled here, there, and everywhere. She has been in Ojo for over two years now, and having her there has been a huge help. She conducts many studies and has helped a lot by using her experiences from Bethel. Ashlee recently moved to Matagalpa, and Renee just went to visit her there for a few weeks, leading us all to think that she would most likely join her in the move. However, I was surprised to see her at the ministry group with another sister, where she told me that she has decided to stay in Ojo for the time being. Very good news!

As far as transportation goes, Renee probably has the most unique form of it here: a tuk tuk. It's an interesting three-wheeler design, but it's served her well for getting out to Ojo! She's been able to use it to transport others, including public speakers, and help transport our literature order as well, so it's been a big help to everyone. I told her about the problem I've been having with the scooter, and she immediately told me that I could ride with her in the tuk tuk out to Ojo until further notice! I was extremely thankful for her generous offer. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It works out pretty well, since we both have the same service days. I'm still hoping the scooter gets repaired, but for now, Jehovah is certainly providing. 

This is the tuk tuk! That's Renee in the front. With her generous spirit and VERY Italian attitude, she is a great help to the congregation. She herself has said that if somebody her age can handle serving here in Chinandega, then anyone can. It definitely proves that need-greating is something for everyone, not just us 20-year-olds!

It's been very refreshing being able to be back out in the ministry in Ojo again. I've picked up a few new studies already, and it's great to be with my congregation once again.

In other news, I had the privilege of conducting the Watchtower in Spanish for the first time yesterday. It went well! I've had a cold for the past week, so it was a bit of a struggle to get to the meeting - and conduct the study while coughing and sneezing the whole time - but it all went very well. Again, all thanks to Jehovah.

Like I said, it's still not easy, but you learn how to make the most out of your circumstances. And Jehovah gradually provides help in small doses. Thank you all again for your encouraging e-mails and calls these past couple of weeks. Please continue to stay in touch!

Talk soon,



  1. AWESOME!!! Your blog is so encouraging. Can't wait to get back to Nicaragua!! Just 2 more weeks! And that sister - wow - how awesome! Lovely to see young and old helping down there. I like how she kitted out that moto-taxi!

  2. It's encouraging to see Jehovah working in your behalf. He does so because you are putting forth effort to give him something to bless!! Like you said, he is providing!!! He always does!!!

  3. I am a little bit late in reading your blogs sometimes. I am very encouraged that things are going better for you. It just proves that sometimes we pray for certain things and Jehovah provides in a different way than we expected--hence the three wheeled vehicle.

  4. ¡Hola!
    Por casualidad di con su blog y me pareció muy interesante, lo felicito por esforzarse en el ministerio.
    Es muy animador encontrar a un hermano compartiendo sus experiencias en un país que no conoce.
    ¡Me alegro mucho encontrar su blog !
